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Welcome to the first truly automated service that lets
Customize and Seamlessly Integrate financial market data
into any online offering.
Our Starter Package is ideal for companies wanting to
quickly add financial content to their offering without
incurring outrageous costs, integration hassles, or upkeep.
BuyStocks7264 offers an array of the most popular financial
tools and applications. Everything from Detailed Stock Quotes to
Portfolio Manager is ALL included as part of our standard package. And
best of all, new content and improvements are added
on a continuing basis without increasing fees.
Integration Process
BuyStocks7264 offers intuitive, online editors that
instantly let you customize and integrate the content you want, the way you want.
Customizing the content modules are a snap
using BuyStocks7264's online editors
The online editors create code that you can "Cut and Paste" right onto your web site. The resulting content module automatically links up to your private labeled page, which you have full control over. BuyStocks7264 hosts both the content modules and the private-label pages which means you never have to worry about administration and upkeep.
The Starter Package is the most cost-effective financial content solution on the market. Unlike the competition, our entire process is automated. This means low overhead and savings which get passed on to the client.
BuyStocks7264 does not force clients into long-term contracts. If the service is not living up to your expectations, cancel anytime. You've got nothing to lose! Please call an account representative for pricing information.
Key Advantages
One of the biggest advantages of the Starter Package is time to market. Clients can integrate these applications in just a couple of hours, compared to up to 2 months for similar services from the competition.
Other Advantages include:
- Low Monthly Fee
- Month to Month contracts
- High quality data
- Fully customizable applications
- Seamlessly integrated
- Intuitive online editors
- Full access to private label editor
Call a Representative to Get Started:
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